Denman Closure

You will be aware that earlier in the year in order to make Denman  profitable and ready for a wider clientele plans were made for a revamp of the bedrooms. Federations were asked to collect items from  sponsored bedrooms which were of particular import to them  such as pictures ,books etc.

Faced with the pandemic and lockdown all plans had to be abandoned and sadly Denman College  after much consultation has been closed and the staff made redundant.

It is intended to put Denman up for sale and to facilitate the clearance of the building we have been invited to clear the Cheshire Federation bedroom. After discussion at the Board  meeting smaller  items will be collected by car and returned to Whitefriars all other contents will be disposed of and donated  to a women’s charity  by Denman.

Zeta Emmett CFWI Board of Trustees


4th September 2020 – Denman Update including Zoom Meeting available for members to register to discuss Denman and future plans – Denman Update – Kerri McGarvie

23rd September 202 – Denman Update 11.9.20 – Denman – Charity Commission Amendment