The WI Learning Hub – An Exciting Educational Journey

On Wednesday 24th January 2024 – International Day of Education – NFWI celebrated this special date by officially opening the new WI Learning Hub. This was an exciting new initiative following the sale of Denman College some years ago. Your very own learning journey can start now online with the WI. It is never too late to broaden your mind and horizons, to learn something different or to develop a new skill. Are you ready to fill your own free time with endless new interests and learning opportunities, to pursue your passion or academic goals and to reach your full potential? You might even surprise yourself or others in the months ahead with your expertise and hidden talents!

See what is on offer and take full advantage of your WI membership. If you subscribe to the NFWI Learning Hub Newsletter, you will receive full details of a wide range of online courses, which are live or readily accessible anytime. In addition, there are study and training opportunities, projects and activities relating to the WI and NFWI. Members now have the freedom and control to learn something new, regardless of age, income, geographical location or accessibility requirements. Discovering a new hobby or skill under expert guidance could help some members to release stress, improve their mental health and develop confidence and independence. Change really can happen!

Could you yourself offer to invite another WI member, who does not have access to a smart phone, tablet or computer to join you at home or elsewhere to take advantage of this excellent new learning possibility and to try something entirely different? There will be an exciting variety of free choices, together with other options incurring a charge in the year ahead. Enjoy what is on offer to us all and be part of this exciting new venture!

Are you ready to learn and to grow together in the NFWI Learning Hub? Do spread the word amongst your own WI members and friends! Your own learning journey starts here!

To sign in to the Learning Hub for the first time, select a course and confirm. Then enter your email address, as registered on the NFWI MCS - Membership Communication System. This will recognise you and remove the course fee during the booking process.

Good Luck! Sybil Graham

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News Speakers Handbook

January 2025 Latest version of the Speakers Handbook has been updated - Take a look at our Documents where you will see our new revamped Speakers Handbook which will be regularly updated as new speakers are added.

We are asking for feedback from our members if you particularly liked a speaker or they didn't come up to scratch. We would really like to know. Also, please ask any speakers you thought were particularly good to contact us to be included in our listing. At £10 per year its a bargain.

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Cheshire Virtual Wheatsheaves WI

Are you wanting to join the WI but you are finding getting to a face to face meeting difficult due to caring responsibilities, a disability, there isn't one near you, you live abroad, your work takes you away from home - the reasons are countless but Cheshire Federation can offer you an alternative. Cheshire Wheatsheaves started just over a year ago as a virtual alternative. Members meet once a month on the third Monday, have access to virtual and face to face Group and Federation meetings, offer great speakers, campaigning opportunities and on line activities. All the benefits of a WI from the comfort of your own home.

Sounds like something you would be interested in? Why not contact [email protected] to find our more.

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WI Supporter Options

Supporters Update -

A ‘donate now’ JustGiving button on the NFWI website is now available. This makes it clearer that anyone can donate to support the work of the WI.

We have renamed our £18/year tier from WI Supporter Plus to WI Supporter. This is now the name of the woman-only option which gives the subscriber WI Life, WI Supporter access to My WI, the monthly WI e-Newsletter, and two WI Learning Hub courses as a one-off when first subscribing.

If you have any questions on the above please contact [email protected]

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The Modern Voice For Women

Cheshire Women's InstituteThe WI offers all kinds of opportunities to all kinds of women. We can help you to expand your horizons and make new friends, take up new interests, learn new crafts and develop new skills. The Women’s Institute is the largest voluntary organisation for women in the UK with over 180,000 members in England, Wales and the Islands. Its concerns range from climate change to cooking, from crafts to community projects, from healthy eating to Fairtrade fortnights, from traditional values to new friendships.

Inspiring Women – Then and Now

The WI is a unique organisation shaped by its members. In 1915, we set out to give women a voice and to be a force for good in the community.  Since then, our members and our ambitions alike have grown tremendously.  Today, we are the largest women’s organisation in the UK and we pride ourselves on being a trusted place for all women of all generations, to share experiences and learn from each other. A WI membership offers the opportunity to meet women in your local area in-person and virtually, to make friends and make a difference in your community. We campaign nationally on a wide range of issues and provide life-long learning and self-development opportunities for women in England and Wales.


Cheshire Women’s Institute: To ensure the smooth running of the WI as an organisation, we have structured the organisation on a local, regional and national level.



The National Federation of Women’s Institutes (NFWI) is responsible for running the organisation as a whole. Its headquarters are located in Parsons Green, London. There is also an office in Cardiff for NFWI-Wales. The NFWI employs around 50 staff, headed by a General Secretary. NFWI produce a monthly membership magazine WI Life which is posted to every single member. In January 2024 the WI Learning Hub was introduced offering on line learning which is predominately free to members and £5 per lesson for a non member. Courses consist of craft, talks and exercise  available live or on catch up meaning that its fully accessible to all our members.


Every WI is self-governing within the framework of the WI constitution and belongs to a regional office, known as a federation. These 69 federations are run by an elected board of members known as Federation Trustees and employed staff. Federations are the link between the WI in their area and the WI’s national office in London.


Joining your local Cheshire Women’s Institute means becoming part of the WI as an organisation.

Why not find a WI local to you today?





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Latest Federation News

Jigsaw Race – 18th November – Eastham Rake

Fantastic day for the Jigsaw Race at Eastham Rake organised by the Leisure For Pleasure Team. 1st Place – Hasbridge (a mixed team of Haslington WI and Handbridge WI finishing at 71 minutes, 2nd Place The Terrible Trio – another

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Upcoming Federation Events

Pilates at Home – Weekly (Saturday at 9.30am) Online Pilates Sessions: 8 Weeks Starting Saturday 4th January 2025
22nd February 2025

Lunch at the Liner Hotel, Liverpool followed by the World Museum’s ‘World of Bees’: Tuesday 25th February 2025 from 12 noon-4pm Closing date for applications Tuesday 21st January 2025
25th February 2025

Green Dot Day 2025 Sat 15th March 10-4pm: Apply by Sat 1st March 2025
1st March 2025

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Board of Trustees

Federation Chairman: Selina Prescott

Federation Hon. Treasurer: Ann Beckett

Federation Vice-Chairmen:  Susan Leicester, Ann Pye, Wendy Morris

Trustees: Jean Harding, Norma Dent,  Alia el Asmar,  Vivien Lee, Tricia Jones, Sue Bentley and Beverley Langham. Co-Option – Helen Tyrrell.

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