MEMBERS of Walton WI gathered in Walton Gardens to plant a tree to commemorate the Centenary of the Cheshire Federation of Women’s Institutes.

This was at the request of Jean Harding, chairman of the Cheshire Federation, who asked all WIs in the county to plant a tree to mark the occasion.
Walton chose to plant a Prinus “Snow Goose”

Among those presents were Denise Karalius, Molly Griffiths, Daphne Armitage, Marylynne Toft, Barbara Price, Judy Jerrard-Dinn, Norma Meadows, and Valerie Davies, all members of Walton WI or Walton Parish Council.

Glenis Hatch, a founder committee member of Walton WI and the longest serving member is pictured holding the spade used to plant the tree.