Susan Leicester
Federation Vice Chairman and Sub Committee Chairman
The committee, which is responsible for the food preparation at a number of WI events, has 12 active committee members and meets 4 times a year to discuss past present and future activities. We aim to arrange a variety of events (including demonstrations and outings) to appeal to members interested in flowers and gardens as well as baking and cookery. Federation Vice-Chairman & Sub-Committee Chair is Susan Leicester (for contact details see The Year Book)
Jigsaw Race – 18th November – Eastham Rake
Fantastic day for the Jigsaw Race at Eastham Rake organised by the Leisure For Pleasure Team. 1st Place – Hasbridge (a mixed team of Haslington WI and Handbridge WI finishing at 71 minutes, 2nd Place The Terrible Trio – another…
Autumn Meeting at the Storeyhouse, Chester – 13th November 2024
We really did have an amazing day in Chester with three brilliant speakers – *Mary Lamb and Sheldon about her Three Peak Challenge, *Paul Mealor Welsh Composer and *Nicki Chapman TV and Radio presenter (amongst other things) plus over 700…
Blue Bell Cottage Gardens – Public Affairs – September 2024
Following on from the Green Dot Day workshop on air source heat pumps in March by Sue Bentley, the people who attended on the day were invited to a private visit to Bluebell Cottage Gardens for a talk by the…