Stop Press

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Choose from below how you would like to connect with us to grow our movement and make an even bigger impact!

Share the love of the WI with friends and family, these options are also available to buy as a gift for someone else!


Use the JustGiving button on the NFWI website to support the work of the WI

WI Supporter

From £18/year, you can get WI Supporter  (Women only aged 18 years and up), and in addition to receiving everything a Supporter offers, you will receive:

The monthly WI e-Newsletter
Supporter  level access to My WI (exclusive website where you can find everything you need to get the most from being part of the WI movement – from campaigns actions to brand new craft, cookery, floral art and science projects specially designed for you.)
WI Life magazine subscription (With eight issues a year, packed with news, campaign updates, craft, cookery, competitions, gardening, puzzles and more, the magazine celebrates all aspects of life in the WI movement. Best of all, each issue tells the stories of the inspiring women of the WI.)
Two WI Learning Hub courses as a one-off when first subscribing.