1. A call to increase awareness of the subtle signs of ovarian cancer
Every two hours in the UK someone dies of ovarian cancer. Making sure GPs and the public know what to look for will not only ensure the early detection and treatment of this disease, but transform lives today and for generations to come. NFWI calls on WI members everywhere to help increase awareness of the subtle signs of ovarian cancer.
2. Stop women dying prematurely from coronary heart disease (CHD)!
Coronary heart disease (CHD) is twice as deadly for women in the UK than breast cancer. To avoid premature deaths caused by a lack of awareness of the symptoms and misdiagnosis, the NFWI calls on WI members to improve understanding among the public and healthcare professionals of the symptoms of a heart attack and its prevalence in society, particularly among women, and to campaign to tackle inequalities in treatment.
3. Racism and discrimination
Systemic racism and discrimination is still a prominent challenge in society. The global protests surrounding the Black Lives Matter Movement have once again emphasised the extent of the inequality and injustice that people from BAME (Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic) communities still face across a wide range of settings including the justice system, employment, education and healthcare.
The NFWI and its members, in furtherance of their duties as citizens, agree to take concrete action to stamp out racial inequalities including by:
• campaigning for decision-makers to implement the recommendations of existing reviews on racial inequality, and taking action following forthcoming reviews;
• raising public awareness of these issues; and
• otherwise taking suitable action to increase recognition of, and help to address, this inequality and injustice.
4. Now’s the time to act! Protect your nature space to create wildlife-friendly communities
UK wildlife is in decline, but solutions exist within all our communities. The NFWI calls on its members to participate in national schemes and local organisations and mobilise their groups to take action to protect wildlife in their own or local green spaces, protecting biodiversity and the environment, and creating a network of accessible wildlife-friendly communities throughout the UK.
5. Stop the destruction of peat bogs to tackle climate change
Peat cutting for compost is harming both our natural environment and our efforts to tackle climate change. 80% of peatlands in the UK are damaged and release millions of tonnes of CO2 into the atmosphere each year. The WI calls on its members to cease using peat-based compost, to persuade others to cease using it and to work with garden centres to encourage them to stock alternative products which already exist, thereby reducing the demand for peat to be harvested.